Talent Development
Workforce capabilities are the single greatest input to more inclusive outcomes and competitiveness in the modern economy. The economic success of individuals, firms, and regions correlates closely to higher levels of educational attainment and density of the talent pool. Talent availability factors rank first among business location decisions in general, and particularly in sectors that concentrate higher quality jobs. This includes the existing labor pool and the ability of the pipeline to generate more local workers with relevant knowledge, skills, and expertise needed over time, especially because retention is higher when hiring from within.

Manufacturing Workforce Plan
The Stanislaus 2030 Manufacturing Strategic Workforce Plan seeks to strengthen the local workforce by aligning education and training programs with the current and future needs of manufacturing.
The region is in a manufacturing workforce crisis with 25% of workers near retirement, a widening skills gap, a lack of real-time responsiveness to industry needs, and a poor perception of manufacturing jobs.
Learn what we're doing about it alongside our public-private partnership working group by reviewing the Executive Summary (English, Spanish) or digging into the full implementation plan.
Manufacturing Talent-to-Industry Exchange
Talent-to-Industry Exchanges gather real-time information used to inform strategies for growing the region’s talent pool, strengthening the talent pipeline, and aligning employer and educational stakeholder interests. Talent-to-Industry Exchanges intentionally organize around one business-centered sector and within the process, employers play a critical leadership role as end customers in closing the skills gap for jobs most critical to their competitiveness. Talent-to-Industry Exchanges also help organize and manage flexible and responsive talent pipelines in partnership with other employers and their preferred education and training providers. Employers also work collaboratively with one another to develop measures and incentives designed to reinforce and improve performance across all partners.
Based on the Stanislaus 2030 Market Assessment and other local data, the manufacturing sector will be prioritized for initial focus with intention to replicate the Talent-to-Industry Exchange with other opportunity sectors in the future. Manufacturing was identified as part of the Opportunity Industry analysis with traded sector themes from the Market Assessment. The intention of the Talent-to-Industry Exchange will be to more effectively identify and meet employer needs at scale, while also enabling workforce and educational institutions to access more comprehensive, realtime input that accurately informs activities across occupations and skill levels. If successful, current and future workers, representing the region’s diversity, will be better positioned to access quality jobs.