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Efforts Informing Our Work

Communities like ours across California and across the U.S. are coming together to evaluate and work to improve their economies. Below are some of the California-based efforts informing our work. 

California Roadmap to Shared Prosperity

Each year California Forward and the California Stewardship Network host the California Economic Summit to support statewide dialogue and develop collaborative actionable solutions. This 2021 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity outlines the priorities for the coming year as identified by our many partners in the Summit network. In the coming year, the network will work in partnership with the Administration and the Legislature to implement these actions and to help achieve a more equitable and inclusive state where all can prosper. These priorities deepen California Forward’s commitment to inclusive and sustainable growth by supporting interrelated policy areas that help all Californians across the state’s regions prosper. These policy areas are inextricably linked — one is not independent of the other — and all are critical to the California Dream.

California Economic Summit

The Summit’s bipartisan network of business, equity, environmental and civic organizations is unique in championing solutions that meet the triple bottom line — balancing equity, environmental sustainability and economic growth. Produced by California Forward and its California Stewardship Network, the Summit influences CA FWD’s ongoing movement to make the government and economy work for everyone. The two-day Summit is designed to create a shared economic agenda known as the Roadmap to Shared Prosperity and strengthen the Summit network, setting the stage for collective action in 2022.

Regions Rise Together Initiative

In 2019, Regions Rise Together was launched by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) in partnership with California Forward (CA Fwd) and our California Stewardship Network. The effort continues with strategy sessions focused on inclusive regional planning as a centerpiece of the economic recovery to develop high-road economic development and a more sustainable economy.

Other Communities Doing this Type of Economic Development Work

Below are some of the regional efforts that are informing and inspiring our work. Some are ahead of us on this journey, others are starting alongside us, and we know more will join us in the future. We are proud to learn from and share best practices with each other.

Fresno DRIVE

B3K Prosperity

Envision Tahoe

Monterey Bay Economic Partnership

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This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP2096 awarded to County of Stanislaus by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

©2024 by Stanislaus 2030

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